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8.2.2 Input navigation

The input navigation (a.k.a. history) commands are modelled after coming-mode. Be careful if you are used to Bash-like keybindings: M-p and M-n use the current input as search pattern and only work Bash-like if the current line is empty. C-<up> and C-<up> work like the up and down keys in Bash.

C-<up>, M-x slime-repl-forward-input
C-<down>, M-x slime-repl-backward-input

Go to the next/previous history item.

M-n, M-x slime-repl-next-input
M-p, M-x slime-repl-previous-input

Search the next/previous item in the command history using the current input as search pattern. If M-n/M-n is typed two times in a row, the second invocation uses the same search pattern (even if the current input has changed).

M-s, M-x slime-repl-next-matching-input
M-r, M-x slime-repl-previous-matching-input

Search forward/reverse through command history with regex

C-c C-n, M-x slime-repl-next-prompt
C-c C-p, M-x slime-repl-previous-prompt

Move between the current and previous prompts in the REPL buffer. Pressing RET on a line with old input copies that line to the newest prompt.

The variable slime-repl-wrap-history controls wrap around behaviour, i.e. whether cycling should restart at the beginning of the history if the end is reached.