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3.11 Inspector commands

The SLIME inspector is a Emacs-based alternative to the standard INSPECT function. The inspector presents objects in Emacs buffers using a combination of plain text, hyperlinks to related objects.

The inspector can easily be specialized for the objects in your own programs. For details see the inspect-for-emacs generic function in swank/backend.lisp.

C-c I
M-x slime-inspect

Inspect the value of an expression entered in the minibuffer.

The standard commands available in the inspector are:

M-x slime-inspector-operate-on-point

If point is on a value then recursively call the inspector on that value. If point is on an action then call that action.

M-x slime-inspector-describe

Describe the slot at point.

M-x slime-inspector-eval

Evaluate an expression in the context of the inspected object. The variable * will be bound to the inspected object.

M-x slime-inspector-toggle-verbose

Toggle between verbose and terse mode. Default is determined by ‘swank:*inspector-verbose*’.

M-x slime-inspector-pop

Go back to the previous object (return from RET).

M-x slime-inspector-next

The inverse of l. Also bound to SPC.

M-x slime-inspector-reinspect


M-x slime-inspector-quit

Dismiss the inspector buffer.

M-x slime-inspector-pprint

Pretty print in another buffer object at point.

M-x slime-inspector-show-source

Find source of object at point.

M-x slime-inspector-fetch-all

Fetch all inspector contents and go to the end.

M-x slime-inspector-copy-down

Store the value under point in the variable ‘*’. This can then be used to access the object in the REPL.

TAB, M-x slime-inspector-next-inspectable-object
S-TAB, M-x slime-inspector-previous-inspectable-object

Jump to the next and previous inspectable object respectively.

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