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3.2 Evaluation commands

These commands each evaluate a Common Lisp expression in a different way. Usually they mimic commands for evaluating Emacs Lisp code. By default they show their results in the echo area, but a prefix argument causes the results to be inserted in the current buffer.

C-x C-e
M-x slime-eval-last-expression

Evaluate the expression before point and show the result in the echo area.

M-x slime-eval-defun

Evaluate the current toplevel form and show the result in the echo area. ‘C-M-x’ treats ‘defvar’ expressions specially. Normally, evaluating a ‘defvar’ expression does nothing if the variable it defines already has a value. But ‘C-M-x’ unconditionally resets the variable to the initial value specified in the ‘defvar’ expression. This special feature is convenient for debugging Lisp programs.

If C-M-x or C-x C-e is given a numeric argument, it inserts the value into the current buffer, rather than displaying it in the echo area.

C-c :
M-x slime-interactive-eval

Evaluate an expression read from the minibuffer.

C-c C-r
M-x slime-eval-region

Evaluate the region.

C-c C-p
M-x slime-pprint-eval-last-expression

Evaluate the expression before point and pretty-print the result in a fresh buffer.

C-c E
M-x slime-edit-value

Edit the value of a setf-able form in a new buffer *Edit <form>*. The value is inserted into a temporary buffer for editing and then set in Lisp when committed with C-c C-c.

C-c C-u
M-x slime-undefine-function

Undefine the function, with fmakunbound, for the symbol at point.

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